The Children's Book Quote of the Day

Just another weblog

The first scoop of ice cream July 29, 2010

Filed under: Chapter Books — Kristi @ 8:42 pm
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“I expect I’m always going to miss my daddy. He loved us to pieces, didn’t he?”

Ruby gave herself over to memory. “He always let me have the first scoop of ice cream when we made it ourselves.” (from Love, Ruby Lavender by Deborah Wiles)

 This post is for all of my friends who have lost their daddies in the recent past: Amber, Candy, Connie, Peggy, Brent. I read this quote in Love, Ruby Lavender and immediately felt the urge to pray for all of you, that your memories of your fathers would be full of the joy of growing up loved, and not the pain of watching them die. There are so many ways you know that your daddies loved you I rejoice with you that you had that joy in this life. Just remember today that he gave you the first scoop of ice cream, built you that playhouse or those kitchen cabinets, taught you the scriptures, walked you down the aisle, helped you achieve your dreams, bounced your children on his knee. Remember that he loved you and that his love for you could never compare to the love of God in whose presence your daddy now glories forever. I love you.


2 Responses to “The first scoop of ice cream”

  1. Amber Says:

    Thanks, Kristi. I love this quote. My dad was a HUGE homemade ice cream lover. I’m not sure he always gave me the first scoop, but I think of him every time I eat ice cream!
    May you continue to make sweet memories with your dad for many, many years.

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